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new-years-resolution-be-more-awesomeI have quite enjoyed today, for the most part anyway…

I pulled all of my witchy paraphernalia out of storage and have to admit I was a little disappointed to see just how much I actually had left – not much! I seem to remember giving lots of things away to others who seemed to have a greater need of them, basically all I have left are my crystals a smudge stick and my athame. Time to restock methinks – good job I have a store stocking all of the necessary items!

I have achieved a lot of things today, which pleases me, it seems my resolution to balance my time better has worked today, my first day back at work after the holidays. I am hoping that the enthusiasm will continue, despite the hurdles that the universe likes to throw my way. I have promised myself that I will no longer fall over myself to get everything done at once, all last year family life was put on the back burner and work in it’s many guises took priority, simply because i found it difficult to not only manage my time but also say no when I needed to.

I am not normally a person that makes New Year resolutions, they always end up being broken promises, and what makes them worse is that I am breaking promises to myself. But this year with the new energy that is around us all I have more confidence in my ability to stay true to my promise. I hope that whatever resolutions you have made you manage to stick with them until you see the results that you want.

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