Adventure Awaits

I know that my blog has been quiet for a couple of days, but I have been so bogged down with different pieces of work it would have been nice to have two lap tops and two pairs of hands. Unfortunately there is only me, one pair of hands and one over worked laptop.

As the title of today’s post suggests I am branching out into pastures new, doing something that I have always wanted to do but never had the right amount of inspiration or motivation so see through to the end, until now.

I have spent a large proportion of the last couple of days getting to grips with publishing software, tax registrations and so many aspects of rights, copyright and sales and distribution methods that my head is spinning. But hopefully…hopefully in a few days time I will have a book for sale, authored by myself and aimed at children aged between 7 and 9. Oh yes, and it’s about pirates…and sea monsters…and a curse….

I am very lucky to be in the position to go into my sons school and work with the Y3 children, of which my son is part, and to get involved with both their topic work and literacy work based around the story.

Other than expansion on the literary front, my daughter has also informed me that she will be creating one off, unique pieces for the store, most probably goblets, which I am really looking forward to seeing, and uploading for you all to see.

It’s good to have things moving forwards again!

Adventure Awaits