Mabon Blessings

Once again the wheel of the year has turned and Mabon is upon us once again. The Sabbat falls between the 20th-23rd September in time with the Autumn Equinox. This is a festival that is known by many names by many people, it is the Autumn Equinox, the Feast of Avalon, the Second Harvest, and Alban Elfed. As with the Spring Equinox night and day are balanced as is the power shared between the Goddess and the God – the moon and the sun. The bounty of produce borne by the land is the result of the union of the two, it is a time of gathering this bounty and storing it so that it sees us through the cold, dark days of winter.

This is the time of year when thanks is given for the bounty that has been delivered to us and the point of the year when the suns power starts to fade as the year begins to draw to a close, with it finally leaving at the time of the winter equinox in December.

Mabon Symbols: Fruits of the harvest made into garlands or cornucopias- apples, acorns, autumn leaves, wheat, pine cones. Mabon foods include root vegetables, pumpkins and gourds, nuts, apples and corn, drinks are traditionally apple cider, wine and beer.

Mabon Colours: The colours of Autumn – oranges, reds, golds and browns as well as indigo, violet and maroon.

Mabon Gemstones: Yellow topaz, yellow agate, carnelian, sapphire, lapis lazuli and amethyst.

Mabon Herbs/Plants: Oak leaves, marigolds, ivy, hops, honeysuckle, hazel, pine, roses, thistles, solomons seal, vines, cloves, jasmine, ferns, milkweed, tobacco, acorns, asters, aloe wood, cedar, passion flower, chrysanthemums and sage.

Mabon Incense/Resins: Pine, benzoin,cinnamon, musk, frankinsence, myrrh.

Mabon Deities: Goddesses include – Demeter, Morgon, Epona and the Muses. Gods include – Thor, Hermes, Thoth, Herne and Bacchus. The sabbat takes its name from the Mabon (Modron) which are a representation of the principle of fertilisation in ancient Welsh myth. his name translates as the great Son of the Great Mother, his mother of course being the Great Goddess.

Mabon Customs: Walking of the wilderness paths through forests and woodlands gathering pine cones, seed pods, fallen branches and wild herbs for use in future magical workings or for altar decoration. It is believed that at this time of year is the best time of year to perform protection, prosperity and wealth spells and magic relating to self confidence and security. Fruits and berries appear on altars replacing the items that were symbolising summer.