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In order to work with magic it is important that you first have an understanding or the principles of magic, how it is used and how your attitude has a bearing on how successful your magic will be. You would not venture into a highly skilled job without first undertaking some training, so therefore you should not start working with the subtle energies that surround us without first understanding the basics of the craft you are about to enter into. As you travel the magical path you will discover for yourself that magic will very rarely allow itself to be misused in any way and you should consider the consequences of your magical workings to ensure that harm comes to no one by your actions.

Magic Hat

The word magic itself conjures up images of pointed hats covered in shiny silver stars, but in this sense what it refers to is the bond of energy that connects every living thing on the planet. Strings or ribbons of energy that join us all together forming one gigantic web. Despite the enormity of this energy web, the connections are fragile and something that affects a single strand can have consequences that resonate across the whole web. There are lots of different words to describe this incredible energy but in the world in which I exist I refer to it as spirit energy, an energy that surrounds us, binds us to each other and forms a very special ‘Fifth Element’. Just as a Christian has terms for the stations of the cross, I see the points on the pentagram as being Earth, Air, Fire and Water with Spirit at the top most point of the symbol, holding sway over all of the rest.

Delicate Web

When we start practising magic we are crafting new stands to this marvellous energy web, and we need to ensure that the actions we take have only a positive impact on the web as a whole. So before you perform any energy work ask yourself a few questions to ensure that you are doing the right thing. Firstly do you need to cast your spell, is it your only option? Consider whether your goal could be achieved by more material means. Secondly, are you your spell is what is truly required? For example someone asking for a spell to improve their health could be more in need of making some simple lifestyle changes than magic. Then of course there are the laws of magic to consider.

Threefold Law

Just as there are laws that define the sciences there are laws that guide the use and application of magic. One of the most common and well-known of which is the threefold law, in simple terms this is the law that states whatever you put out into the universe you will get back three times greater, this applies to negativity as well as anything positive. So why people believe that witchcraft is all about curses is beyond me, as why would we spend out time cursing people only to have out ill wishes bounce back to us three times worse? It makes for more sense for a witch to be a positive influence than a negative one. Call it karma, cause and effect or whatever you will in reality it all comes down to ethics.

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