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You hold the future in your hands...look after it, nurture it and reap the rewards that it promises. x

You hold the future in your hands…look after it, nurture it and reap the rewards that it promises. x

Did you feel it? Did you feel the shift in energy that took place as the year turned? I certainly did.

Don’t get me wrong it didn’t all just happen overnight, things have been transitioning for quite some time, and there have been some major and traumatic upheavals as the energies have been shifting and aligning. But for some reason, as I stepped out to do the ‘first footing’ for the family as midnight struck on New Years Eve, I felt it. I stepped out of the back door, tired and lethargic, happy to see the back of what has to have been one of the worst years we have lived through in a long time…and as I walked around to the front of the house something changed. I could hear the sounds of party revellers spilling out onto the street from several houses close by, the air was cold and clear and the ground wet underfoot, but during that short walk I felt a weight lift off me.

I made a point of chanting to myself as I walked, something about letting go of the old and stale and welcoming the new, and by the time I made it to the front door to be let into the house my head was held high, my shoulders had lost the stress they had been carrying and I felt (as cheesy as it is to say) quite joyous! I entered the house with a smile, was met with a glass of sparkling champagne by my beloved and we toasted the new year together. New Year – New Energy.

Something else changed this new year, for the first time since he was born, nearly eight years ago our son stayed up and welcomed the turning of the year with us, finally retiring to bed as the fireworks that were being let off around us died down, allowing the night once more to belong to the revellers and their festivities. Previous years have seen us creep into his room at the stroke of midnight and place a kiss onto his sleeping brow, passing on blessings and the hope that his coming year is happy and healthy. This year there were bear hugs and proper kisses, cuddles and wishes for the future. It was lovely.

Yet as part of me welcomed the start of the new year, another part of me was still wanting to rebel against the way that we have all conformed to the accepted calendar of the year. What is it with time? Why do we all conform to the rigid structure of the twenty four hour clock and way that time is regimented forcing us to obey it’s rules. Time, in my opinion, is far from rigid, it is a fluid entity that flows endlessly, it loops and replays, bends and overlaps and adds a dimension to life that few take the opportunity to enjoy. Hopefully, the new energies that around will open people hearts and minds so that they can see what they are missing and allow the world to enjoy a smoother, more peaceful existence.

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